

Responsive Design for VSCOM Pricing Page

This is an example of a spec for a project where we transformed existing content into responsive/adaptive pages with the explicit instructions not to simplify the content.

Simple Specification for QE Content Manager

This is an example of a specification created for my scrum team to describe the work for a small feature. 

Visual Specification for Minor Change to QE Online

This is an example of a visual specification created for a small story that extended QE Online so that it supported multiple versions of the Security Development Lifecycle policy concurrently.


Kickoff Deck for Primary Applicability Work

Along with a storyboard explaining the value of the work, I presented this presentation to my scrum team to ensure the team understood the business value for the epic.

Centricity Enterprise Information Model Presentation

This PowerPoint presentation was developed as a way to give upper management a better understanding of our work to develop an information model for our documentation. 


Waste and Efficiency Diagrams

I developed several Visio diagrams meant to illustrate waste in the current system and advocating change to a more efficient model. One diagram is a specific example of information duplication . The second diagram shows waste across multiple divisions waste across multiple divisions.

Process Flowchart

One of my primary job duties was to identify issues with current process, propose changes, and oversee implementation of the solution. As a part of that work, I often developed flowcharts to communicate the new processes. This sample shows the project management workflow.

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